Marketing is essential for a small companies. However, most of boxes often ignore this. It is because they think that all of plans are in their mind although they just notice to sell their products for old customers. They do not know that these old customers will be able to go to another company anytime. Therefore, it is neccessary to have a detailed marketing plan for short term and long term in order to keep old customers and attract new clients.

However, for most of small bussiness or entrepreneurs, fanance or capital is the big problem. How to overcome obstricles?
Firstly, we must stop thinking that marketing is the use of capital for advertsement. To organize marketing is to establish the honourable name and position of a entrepreneur, which will help us understand marketing correctly.
Then, we should know who we are and who are our customers, this will help us focus on right market.
After that, we can make a good marketing plan for our enterpreneur by following these:
Call or send an email to your customers on their birthday or special occasion to congratulate them.
Give them a small gift, such as a pen or a notebook on which your company’s name and address are printed.
Make a website to introduce your companies and products. It take a small amout of capital, but you can get big success.
Be easier for you to make a blog at
twitter or
facebook to upload your entrepreneur’s photos.
I wish you will success quickly.
Do not forget talking to me what happens.